Ethiopian Outreach Ministry (EOM) was initially
established in 1982 with a vision to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to
Ethiopians who live outside their country. It is estimated that over two
million Ethiopians live outside their country, of which about two hundred
thousand reside in North America. Currently, EOM reaches out to Ethiopians in
over forty countries including Ethiopia.
EOM is operated by Ethiopians who are dedicated in the Lord's work among their people. Melese Wogu is the founder and Executive director of the Ministry. Misiker Kebede, Director of Technical & Development Support and his wife Meaza, joined the ministry in September 1992. Meaza continued serving until their first child was born in 1995. Misiker served until 2012. Sossena Maybury has been serving as secretary since January 1999. Along side these two EOM staff, there are many volunteers who help with their time, talents and skills.
EOM has reached out to hundreds of thousands of
Ethiopians proclaiming the Good News; and to the believers, encouraging and
teaching them to be disciples of Jesus Christ. Thousands of copies of
literature, cassettes, books, booklets, and Bible study notes have been
distributed among Ethiopians in over forty countries.
EOM recognizes the key role of believers in highly
developed countries like the United States in spreading of the word of God.
The ministry also believes strongly that greater responsibility belongs to
nationals in reaching out to their own people. EOM encourages Ethiopian
believers to support EOM to make a difference for Jesus.
Ethiopian Outreach Ministry operates under
a legal constitution and is registered in the state of Pennsylvania as
a non profit, non political religious organization.
Ethiopian Outreach Ministry is a faith ministry totally depending on God's daily provision. Individuals, both Ethiopians and non-Ethiopians, and a few churches support the ministry with their finances, talent, and other resources. |