of Faith
We believe in the Scripture of the Old and New
Testaments as verbally inspired of God and inerrant in the Original writings.
We believe the scriptures are the supreme and final authority in faith
and life.
We believe in one God eternally existing in three
persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, each having precisely
the same nature, attributes, and perfections, and worthy of the same worship
and obedience.
We believe that Jesus Christ is true God and true
man. He was eternally begotten of the Father, conceived by
the power of the Holy Spirit, and born of the virgin Mary. We believe
that Jesus Christ died for our sins as a substitutionary sacrifice, that
his crucified body was raised from the dead and that he ascended into heaven
to appear before the Father as our High Priest, Advocate, and Mediator.
We believe that the Holy Spirit took up His abode
in the world in a special sense on the day of Pentecost, dwells in every
believer, and by His baptism unites all Christians in one body, the Church.
We believe that salvation was accomplished solely
by the finished work of Christ shedding His blood upon the cross, and that
nothing on the part of man can avail for salvation. We believe that
salvation was provided for the whole world, and that whoever believes in
Jesus Christ receives the new birth, becomes a partaker of the divine nature,
and thus becomes a child of God, once and for all, forever.
We believe in "that blessed hope", the personal,
pre-millennial, imminent return of Jesus Christ, in the bodily resurrection
of the just and unjust, in the reward and everlasting conscious blessedness
of the just, and in the judgment and everlasting conscious punishment of
the lost.